
Social Media

Your online presence

If you are looking for a job, or simply looking to manage your career, you have to have an active presence on social media, especially LinkedIn. If you look at most people’s headlines on LinkedIn, they include their position, which is not really good use of space. Instead, to stand out, create a tagline in the Headline section of your profile, which includes a keyword, and results that you achieved on the job.

For example, say you are an “FM of Global operations at John Doe Ltd”, that doesn’t tell a recruiter what you do or have done. A better Headline would be “Completed over £1 billion merger/acquisition deals.” This is important because when recruiters conduct searches on LinkedIn, your Headline will determine whether they click to find out more about you. Another tip is to be descriptive in your position titles, and always use keywords that are important to your industry/niche. (Right Management Feb 2016)

Research shows that more than 95% of recruiters use LinkedIn and Twitter to source candidates. They are also looking for information to support your suitability for a job: they want to see if you have a professional online persona, they want to see what other people are posting about you, and they’re also (secretly) looking for reasons not to take you on. Updating your profiles (thoughtfully) could be a worthwhile investment(Abintegro 17 Mar 2016)


TalentRidge can support you with establishing your online personal brand across a range of social media platforms:

Contact us to discuss your needs
